Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was busy, but good.

First my in-laws came to our house for a Thanksgiving breakfast. I made pumpkin pancakes from Trader Joe's and some pumpkin muffins from my yummy pumpkin bread recipe. We also had fruit, bacon and sausage. The only thing we lacked was some eggs, but apparently we all forgot about those when we were planning. =)

Then we had a couple hours after they left and when we had to go to my parents for dinner, so the Little Guy took a nap, the hubby watched some football and I read a little in my latest book Hatteras Girl while attempting a new Sweet Potato Casserole recipe to bring for dinner.

Then we headed over and I helped my mom finish up dinner and we had a nice time visiting with family. Unfortunately the Little Guy ended up with a messy diaper blow-out and I had forgotten to put some extra clothes in his diaper bag. He'd just grown out of the ones in there and I took them out - and apparently got distracted before putting in new ones. But it was probably a good thing we were about to head home because he was obviously not feeling well and had a little fever when we got home - poor guy!

Do you have any unique traditions on Thanksgiving? We're pretty traditional at our house.

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