Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Paperback Swap

Well, today marks the first day I have to go back to work in about 10 days... and it's actually sunny outside!  Bummer!

I wanted to share one of my favorite sites with you all today -

Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap.

As the name implies, it is a book swapping site. Now... it's not totally free... you have to pay postage (around $2.50) when you SEND a book, but when you request a book from another member it's free for you and they pay the postage.

Now.... I love my local library and I use it A LOT. But there are drawbacks to that also. For one thing, they just started charging overdue fees 15 cents a day per overdue book. Now... I'm actually one of those people who is pretty good about getting my books back on time, but hello! I have a toddler! sometimes we just don't make the 20 minute trip in just to drop off books. I currently owe the library $1.50 because my son somehow got a hold of a DVD case and I couldn't find it for a few days and didn't take my other stuff back at the same time. Ugh.
Drawback number two - if I love the book, I can't keep it. I have to go buy it or check it out again later.

So, I love the paperback swap because it's easy, the books come to my mailbox (it's kinda like getting presents in the mail), I don't have any overdue fees and can keep the book indefinitely if I want, and it's kinda fun!

How it works: Initially, you post 10 books on the site for people to request and you receive 2 book credits. You can request a book from another member for 1 credit and they mail it to you for FREE! Other members can request books from you and you receive 1 credit and have to mail it off to them in a reasonable amount of time and pay the postage. Then as you finish your books, just repost them for others to request and the cycle continues. Fun!
Go here for a more detailed explaination on How to Swap Books.

Great for book lovers... check it out if you're interested!


KyAnn (like Cayenne Pepper, only HOTTER) said...

Thanks for the follow. This paperback swap is going to change my life. I had no idea such a thing existed. I owe you one for telling me.

Jill said...

It's nice to meet you! I'm visiting via Wobble Over Wednesday :)

I now Follow your blog.

~ Jill

Shawn said...

I'm a new follower of Welcome Wednesday follow, please follow me back.
Thanks, Mr. Monkey

Amanda Tempel said...

Hey There!

Thanks for linking up on Wobble Over Wednesday. I am now following you back.

-Amanda T