Monday, January 31, 2011

Spring Gardens?

Okay, maybe it's just a tiny bit early to start thinking about my spring garden, but ya know... I'm already looking forward to it. Once upon a time, I had a lovely garden (okay... it was really only one year, but it could have continued!)

All New Square Foot Gardening: Grow More in Less Space!Anyway... the summer before the Little Guy was born, I planted a nice garden based on the Square Foot Gardening method. I was really proud of it (we were living in a little duplex at the time without much yard).

It did really well and we had yummy fresh salad greens and tomato's all summer. But then I had a baby... need I say more?

He was born at the end of March and I had a C-section, so scratch getting my garden in on time that year. I attempted to put in a few things, but I just didn't get out there to tend to it much. Last year, I tried to do some containers, but it was still kind of hard (my Square Foot Garden box had fallen apart by this time). 

The Encyclopedia of Country LivingSooooo, this year I am determined that the Little Guy is old enough to entertain himself. He loves to be outside, so I have no excuse for not getting something in the ground! I stole my mom's Territorial Seeds catalog today when we were over there and it was really getting me excited about planting.

I also came across this book, The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery, in the catalog and I'm thinking I might have to save up my Swagbucks rewards and purchase it. It's about $18.00 on Amazon.

I feel like the more and more we can do to eat fresher and be more self-sufficient, the better off we'll be. So, hopefully as this Spring goes on, I'll have some garden news to report. =)

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