Monday, August 27, 2012

Two Months!

Awww... my little Zachary! You are the sweetest baby ever (and possibly the cutest also!). Don't tell your brother, but by now he was crying all day long with colic and I was happy to have returned to work and have a few hours of peace. But now I am dreading that day that I have to leave you home for hours!

Is this not the cutest face you've ever seen?
Something I was told over and over while we were visiting family in Colorado was no one could believe that a baby that little could smile and laugh so much. It is such a blessing. This little boy has been smiling - seriously - for at least a month already. Not gassy smiles... real ones. He is almost always happy.

I am also blessed that both of my boys have been good sleepers at night. This little guy only woke up for one feeding last night! I couldn't believe it! We went to bed at about 10pm and he woke up around 4am and then I got up around 7:30 with Malachi.

I am too quickly coming to the end of my maternity leave. I only have a short three weeks left! Although that is half the total time I was off with Malachi! I am so happy that I've been able to be off the last eight weeks with my boys and I'm sure I'll enjoy my couple days a week to spend with some adults when the time arrives.

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