I am hosting a Pride and Prejudice movie night at my house at the end of the month. I thought it was appropriate to send out real invitations rather than my usual evite. =) I had a lot of fun making them.
First I found a font I liked and downloaded it from 1001freefonts.com. I picked Annabel Antquie Script. Then I found a site with 19th century invitation wording - Gaskell's Compendium of Forms where I read through the Notes of Invitation and got a feel for how they worded things and typed up my own in MS Word.
Then I took a Mat Stack (4.5" x 6.5") that I had bought to make invitations to a friend's bridal shower and picked a few old or antique looking prints.
I printed off my invitation wording onto velium paper (also leftover from those bridal invitations) and cut the pages in quarters. I then laid them on top of the cardstock and trimmed the velium where needed. I punched a couple holes in the top with a hole punch (through all layers) and then threaded through my cute ribbon I picked up at Michael's for $1.49 to attach the layers together. So cute!
I chose to do half my invite with old world wording and font and then a modern day wording and font at the botton for those girls who might be confused about what all that meant - you just never know! I bought a box of invitation envelopes and printed their names and addresses on the front with the same antique font - spelling out all the usual abbreviations and writing their formal names.
Soooo... very fun. I'm sure a few of them are going wonder why I went to all the time and expense to make these up for a simple movie night, but it was fun and only cost me about $7.00.... and I still have paper from my mat stack and envelopes left over to use again.
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