Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Favorite Baby Books

As you can probably tell by the fact that I have a whole page of my blog devoted to it - I'm an avid reader. I've always loved reading and my mom says that they started very early reading with me. All through my childhood my mom would read out loud to me - even after I could read myself. I remember reading classics like The Little House on the Prairie series and Anne of Green Gables series as well as other books like Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster and others I can't remember anymore.

My husband hates reading and only reads his hunting magazine and what he HAS to read. But, I am determined to make my Little Guy into a reader. Almost from Day 1, I've had books to read him. Before every nap and bedtime we read 3 or 4 books together - and he loves it. He's getting to the point now where he'll ask to read more. =)

Sometimes I get kinda tired of reading the same books over and over though... so I head to the local library and pick up a couple new  board books. That said, we do have our favorites in our books at home. Here are some of them:

Pat the Bunny Classic Boxed Gift Set

Moo Baa La La La
Sesame Beginnings Eyes & Nose, Fingers & toes (Sesame beginnings)
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?The Going-To-Bed Book

What are your kids favorite  books? Ours are pretty classic for the most part, but I'm always on the look out for new favorites!


Whitney Black said...

Hey, I really love your blog!! I'm your newest follower from FMBT! :)

Naturally Creative Mama said...

New follower from FMBT. My kids love the Going To Bed Book... lately though, my daughter likes any book about Peter Pan!

I love your etsy store!! If you ever want to do a review or giveaway, let me know!!!