Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day Trip to Mt. Rainier

My uncle is in town visiting my dad from Arizona this week. Since I already had my trip to Forks planned, I wasn't able to spend much time with them while he was here. But yesterday they planned a day trip to Mt. Rainier, so the Little Guy and I decided to tag along.

What an awesome day to go to the mountain! I was a little nervous when we left town because it was overcast and looked like it was sprinkling a little bit (here in WA state, we have lots of descriptive words for rain - sprinkle, drizzle, misting, buckets, etc). But as soon as we got about halfway there, the clouds parted and it was nice and sunny.

Even though we live pretty close to Mt. Rainier, I don't think I'd been up there in quite a few years, so this was a treat.

Narada Falls
Grandpa & the Little Guy

Myrtle Falls

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