Sunday, May 15, 2011

Book Review: When Harry Met Molly

Book Details:
Title: When Harry Met Molly (The Impossible Bachelors)
Author: Kieran Kramer
2010, St. Martin
ISBN: 078-0-312-61164-4
Genre: Historical Romance
Dashing Lord Harry Traemore is perfectly content to live out his days in the pursuit of pleasure. But when he's named by the Prince Regent as one of society's "Impossible Bachelors," Harry is drafted into a ribald romantic wager. The rules of engagement are scandalously simple: The bachelor whose mistress wins the title of "Most Delectable Companion" gets to remain unmarried. Harry is utterly unconcerned about his status... until his latest lightskirt abandons him.
Enter Lady Molly Fairbanks. Harry's childhood friend - actually, "foe" is more like it - is the most unlikely companion of all. She's attractive but hot-headed, and in no mood for games. Besides, what could the self-indulgent Harry possible know about what makes a woman delectable? it's time for Molly to teach him a lesson once and for all ... but will it lead to "happily ever after"?
My Review:
I got this book after reading several book bloggers rave about it. Luckily I also read a few reviews talking about how outlandish the storyline was - I was glad to be prepared. The storyline of this book is totally ridiculous - but somehow I still really liked it.
Molly has been kept away from Society and is now twenty-one - almost a spinster. But she is very naive. She ends up being dragged along to Harry's "Impossible Bachelors" week as his "false mistress". Unfortunately she has to convince everyone that she IS his mistress and learns a few things that a proper unmarried lady shouldn't know along the way.
They both make terrible and stupid decisions, but somehow you still love the characters and hope that everything turns out for them in the end. And it's fun to read about all Molly's antics along the way! A light, fun read!

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