Thursday, May 26, 2011

Exploring & Little Boys

Today we went exploring
It wasn't planned, the Little Guy just headed out
We walked down a path to the next street over...
then down to the end of that street and discovered a trail.

Wondering where it went - we decided to explore.

We followed it out until we came to (what I think) 
is the neighboring Christmas tree farm
(I am slightly unsure about this now and
think I may be purchasing some mace for any 
future explorations - just in case, ya know)

We found some "rockies" (rocks) and "ticks!" (sticks)
Very exciting.
Mommy also made the mistake of pointing out 
that he had pockets on his sweatshirt
which were quickly filled with "rockies" and "pinecones"

But all this made for a very happy little boy. =)

Yay for nice weather and little boys who love exploring!

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