Friday, June 24, 2011

Trucks and Other Stuff

My son loves trucks - okay, well he loves anything with wheels actually.
But, he loves trucks too.

So when I saw some of these Cozy Trucks by Little Tikes
as giveaways on some blogs, I tried to get him one.
Alas, we didn't win, but I still thought he needed one!

He has a little RadioFlyer tricycle, but he hasn't quite got the hang of pedals yet, so he just pushes it along with this feet and the pedals go around and scrape up his little legs! So sad!

Well, my mom and I went out today and used our 20% off ToysRus coupon
I got in my email yesterday along with a $25 gift card I'd saved from his
birthday to buy this cute little truck.
He loved it.
Unfortunately, as you can see from my pictures, his mommy couldn't put it together for him.
This was a SUPER DIFFICULT toy to put together!
I thought it was just me, but my husband even had issues with it!

But, he was so excited about the "baby truck"
that he wanted to sit in it anyway.
Poor guy.

Thank you, Daddy, for putting the truck together
so we can play with it over the weekend!

Funny (to me at least) things my Little Guy is saying at the moment:
"Nanny" - what he is calling my mom - don't know where it came from
"Baby" - what he calls himself. I'm not sure why he does this because we rarely refer to him as such. We generally call him by his name or "buddy", so all I can guess is that "baby" is just easiest to say.
"Yellow or Blue" - what he calls all colors (mommy is working hard to try to remedy this misconception)
"Baa Baa Black Sheep" - and then some mumbling after that. A cute attempt at singing the song. Also random letter's from the ABC's.
"A, M, L, C, H, I, D" - letters he can identify by sight

He seems to think that all small things are "baby".
-For example, "a baby truck!" "a baby rock!" etc
Likewise, he does call big things "BIG", but also "daddy" or "mommy".
-For example, "A BIG star - a daddy star"

He also likes to announce when daddy gets home (or thinks he does, which happens several times a day) "DADDY. HOME!"

I am greatly enjoying this stage - he's doing so many cute and new things everyday. I'm hoping if I write just a fraction of them down in this blog, that someday I'll be able to remember them!

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