Thursday, March 8, 2012

This pregnancy has been almost an exact replica of my first one.
I'm thankful for that because they have both been very easy.

The exception is that at this point in my first pregnancy I was told that my baby was retaining an abnormal amount of fluid in his kidneys.... this started a series of extra visits and ultrasounds that lasted until he was two-years-old.
I was very relieved when I got through my last visit and my doctor told me there were no abnormalities showing on this ultrasound. Hooray!

Here are a couple pictures... 
they are now a couple weeks old and they aren't that good, but that's what I have at the moment. =)  Just two weeks later, I feel like I look much bigger than this now.
I had promised myself to be more creative with my pregnancy pictures this time around, but that really hasn't happened. But considering I really didn't even take any last time, I guess this is an improvement!

22 weeks
This wasn't the greatest picture, but I loved it that my son is giving baby love.
22 weeks

So far:
Weight gained: 8lbs
Cravings? None really... except some Jack-in-the-Box chocolate milkshakes that I've been trying to avoid/curb
Movement: LOTS - although my husband has yet to feel the baby move, poor guy.
Gender Prediction: I was CORRECT, of course! Boy!

Other thoughts:
I'm definitely feeling pregnant now. I may not have gained a lot of weight, but my stomach is starting to get in the way. I'm feeling more connected to baby now that I'm feeling him move so much and it's so obvious. I've decided I need to get some exercise in.... I've done two sessions of my work-out video... does that count?
It's been fun to see the process through the eyes of a little one. Malachi has been pretty uninterested until the last few weeks when my stomach really popped. Today he was trying to pop the baby out (or something) when I was getting dressed by pushing in my protruding belly button. I've been trying to get him engaged in the idea of a baby, but I think it's just a very hard concept for him to wrap his head around.