Friday, May 18, 2012

Project Completed! Ruler Growth Chart

I bought this adorable growth chart decal from Abby's House on Etsy quite a while ago... back in December, I think. But then there were the holidays and we moved and I just never got around to putting it together.

Next hurdle? Getting my husband to go buy me a board from Lowe's for my project. Finally he got around to it and I bought some Boiled Linseed Oil and a sponge brush from Wal-Mart.

I still didn't get around to finishing the board right away though... and in the mean time, I was babysitting for a friend and she got ahold of my son's markers....
Oops... I was a little annoyed, but realized that I could just turn it over and use the back for my growth chart. This side will be towards the wall anyway.

I waited for a week when the weatherman said it would be nice and FINALLY got around to treating my board. I left it out in the sun to dry all day and then brought it in. 

Isn't it pretty?? =)

I've waited about a week (this is what it called for on my instructions from Abby's House).

Next step? Applying the decal. Honestly, I get a little scared doing this part. I'm always afraid I'm going to totally mess it up, but I followed the instructions that came with it and it was fairly easy! Hooray!
Here's my finished project! I'm so pleased with how it turned out.
I love that it is simple and will grow with my boys as they get older since it's not a specific theme - and it will look good in any room of the house for the same reason.

Now I just have to get my husband to mount it somewhere..... hmmm....

Want your own Ruler Growth Chart? Visit Abby's House - they're only $12.00!
(This is not an official product review! I'm just sharing!)

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