Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Knitting Finished!

Nothing like cutting it close right!?
At work tonight I finished my second fingerless glove for my mother-in-law.

I was so excited about the fact that they turned out pretty much perfect that I decided to post crappy camera phone pictures right now! haha

Made from Jo Sharp Silkroad DK Tweed in Festival
85% wool, 10% silk and 5% cashmere

Using the No Fuss Mitts pattern by Amanda Berka
(free downloadable pattern!)

This pair turned out even better than the same ones I did for my sister-in-law. This time around I made sure to count the number of rows I did in the wrist section. The pattern just says 3 1/4 inches, so the first pair I just tried to do it by measuring, but one turned out longer than the other and I had to kind of stretch the other one to match.

With this pair, I counted the number of rows on the first glove to measure 3 1/4 inches and then just did the same number of rows on the second one - seems like a pretty obvious mistake in hindsight.

I'm just glad to have everything done! I also finished two hat and scarf sets (with my mom doing the second hat for me, as I was running out of time and patience). The lady who watches my son the mornings that I work my night shift (for free!) asked me to knit them for her kids, so of course I couldn't say no.

But... I think that's enough knitting for a few days...
my fingers feel a little numb! =)

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