Book Details:
Title: Beezus and Ramona
Author: Beverly Cleary
1955, HarperCollins
Genre: Children's Fiction
Book Summary (from the back cover):
Big sister Beezus Quimby tries to be patient with her little sister, Ramona, but it isn't easy, not when Ramona powders her nose with marshmallows and invites her class to a party without telling her family. Sometimes Beezus doesn't like Ramona, but the girls are sisters and that means they will always love each other - just not every single minute.
My Review:
Awww.... who didn't love the Ramona books when they were little. As part of my Page-to-Screen Challenge, I'm re-reading Beezus and Ramona. I watched the movie at the beginning of the year, so it's been a few weeks in between. There are some definite differences.
The Ramona in the book is only four-years-old. The Ramona in the movie is more like eight-years-old or so. I do believe (if I can remember back that far) that many of Ramona's antics in the movie (the toothpaste in the sink for instance) is from another one of the books in the Ramona series, like Ramona Quimby, Age 8. Regardless, I felt that Ramona in the movie did very good justice to Ramona Quimby in the book.
Beezus and Ramona, the book, is told from Beezus perspective and she struggles with the fact that Ramona is always being naughty, causing problems and constantly being the center of attention. This makes Beezus resent her little sister and

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