Monday, January 9, 2012


I was thinking that time was going to slow down a little after the holidays, but it doesn't seem too!

We are busy packing our house. We are going to moving somewhere temporary for about 6 months, so I am attempting to be organized and packed boxes with things that we won't really NEED to unpack again. That way we can leave those boxes in the garage or something and not have the bother of unpacking and packing again in 6 months time. 
This seems to be a little harder than I anticipated.
I was about to pack the Easter basket into on of these such boxes when it occurred to me that we will be in our temporary place during Easter. Oops!

At work we are implementing a new region-wide computer system.
Awhile back I sign up to be something called a Superuser.
I'm still not exactly sure what that means, but apparently I get trained first and then I think I have to help others after their training. It also seems that I get an extra day of training.
So next week I'll be training 3 days.

Our Bible Study at church is starting up for the winter semester this week too....
I have decided to attempt to attend again this time.
It is a little hard for me to get there considering I work until 1am, get off and home by 1:30am and then the Bible Study starts at 9:00am. But I thought I'd give it another try. If it's too hard this semester, then it might be something to cut out in the Spring. =)

My Little Guy spent his first weekend away from home this past weekend!
It was so sad! He went to stay with my sister-in-law one night and then my mother-in-law the next night.  My MIL lives a good 1 1/2 hour drive from us and I didn't like feeling so far away. Unfortunately they were not good about updating us (as in... we got NO texts or anything the entire weekend), so I think they're going to be limited on how often they get to do this, but I was sure happy when he was home!

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