Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Preparing for Baby...

If you've been reading my pregnancy posts, you may have realized I've not been very proactive about getting ready for this baby. =)

A couple weeks ago I actually started kind of mentally freaking out about it when I realized I only had about 6 weeks to go and had done absolutely NOTHING. 

Well, I've been attempting to remedy that situation... call it nesting or whatever, but I could probably handle it if baby decided to come ... although... a few more weeks would be most helpful!

Saturday I had the house to myself. Malachi was at my parents and my husband was hunting.... I planned on a fairly lazy day before I had to head off to work, but I was productive also!
First I spent some time browsing on Etsy and Pinterest - that's productive, right?

Then I made up 4 Crock-Pot Freezer Meals! I had never thought of such an ingenuous idea before Pinterest! I love my Crock-Pot... and I love freezer meals... but I'd never thought of combining the two! 
Follow this link to a blog with more Crock-Pot freezer meals...
or check out my Pinterest board Dinners DONE! for more ideas.
Also, this weekend, I picked up a new dresser for $10. It needs some TLC and a new paint job, but I think it will work perfect for the baby's area. We are not decorating a nursery for this baby. Mostly because we probably won't be in this house long enough to make it worth it... so I've decided to just convert a corner of our bedroom into a nursery space. We're not even setting up the crib, but I'm going to have a glider, dresser and probably a little art on the walls. I'm thinking I can use this dresser as a changing table too, and not have to drag out Malachi's big one from the closet....

I also decided on kind of a theme for this baby. We were going to do an owl/woodland theme, but owls are SO popular right now that I decided not too. Since my husband is such an outdoorsy/hunter-type though, I thought we'd keep the woodland theme and just focus on some of the other animals like the bear and deer. =) After searching what seemed like hundreds of wall art, I finally came across some that I really love from a shop on Etsy.
I'm going to take my colors from these beautiful watercolor paintings!

I also finally got Malachi's old clothes out and washed everything. Some of it took some major soaking in OxyClean to get out the yellow spit-up stains (he was the pukey-est baby ever), but it looks like we're going to be able to save most of it. =)

 My aunt picked me up that glider, so I still need a footstool and maybe cover the cushions in a cute fabric. My mom and I got an awesome deal on the Newborn Rock-and-Play Sleeper the other day at Target (this is what I'm going to use instead of the crib - hopefully until we're able to move!) Normally $65, it was marked down to $54.99 at Target, then for Memorial Day it was marked down some more to $49.00, THEN I had a coupon for $7.00 off! Total cost: $42.00! Saved: $23.00! Yay!

Sooo... we are on our way to being somewhat prepared. Today I'm going to pick up my paperwork from the doctor for my Leave of Absence at work and mailing it in (a minor fiasco that's been), so hopefully I'll be all set up for my 12 weeks of leave here pretty soon!

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