Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holiday Fun

Zouff the Elf has been busy in our house.  Here are his antics from the last 4 days:
Day 15 - Hanging from the ceiling in Malachi's fire truck (we think he might have flown it to the North Pole) | Day 16 - We found him hanging out above the kitchen cupboards in a basket... maybe we needed some more decorations in there? | Day 17 - Somehow Zouff decided to go swimming in the water pitcher! | Day 18 - Zouff decided it was time for a shave!

Malachi and I decorated some sugar cookies the other day. Not sure if you can tell from the picture, but we have bells, angels, stockings, gingerbread men and .... cars. Apparently you can't have Christmas cookies without a few (or a lot) cars thrown in. We took this plate with us to Malachi's first Christmas party - put on by his bestest little friend from church.

Here's my proud little party-goer. =) It was a fun little party for the boys. They played some games, listened to the Christmas story and did a Secret Santa gift exchange. Very age appropriate for 3- and 4-year-olds. Malachi did very well, unless we were not engaged in some kind of structured activity.... then the hitting emerged. This has been a battle we've been working on lately... very frustrating and kind of ruined the party for me although it only happened a couple times. Does that sweet face look like it could hit anyone? =)

There is less than a week until Christmas! I am slowing finishing up all my projects with only a few things left to do. I'd still like to do some Christmas PJs for our Christmas Eve box and need to buy some mugs for my presents and a couple gift cards for the nieces and nephew, but other than that I think I'm done! Whoohoo!

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